Friday, 29 January 2016

5-card poker probabilities

(I do this as a warm up exercise when I need to think about combinatorics, weird as that may sound)

The total number of choices for 5 cards is

$$ 52 * 51 * 50 * 49 * 48 = 311875200 $$

One pair: 

$$ {13 \choose 1} * { 4 \choose 2} * { 12 \choose 3 } * { 4 \choose 1}^3 = 1098240 $$

Two pair:

$$ {13 \choose 2 } * { 4 \choose 2}^2 * { 11 \choose 1} * {4 \choose 1} = 123552 $$

Three of a kind: 

$$ {13 \choose 1} * {4 \choose 3} * { 12 \choose 2 } * { 4 \choose 1}^2 = 54912 $$


$$  {10 \choose 1} * { 4 \choose 1} ^ 5 - (straight flush,royal flush) =   {10 \choose 1} * { 4 \choose 1} ^ 5 - {10 \choose 1}* {4 \choose 1} = 10200 $$


$$ {13 \choose 5} * {12 \choose 1} - (royal flush,straight flush) = {13 \choose 5} * {12 \choose 1} - {10 \choose 1}* {4 \choose 1} = 5108 $$

Full House: 

$$ {13 \choose 1} {4 \choose 3} * { 12 \choose 1} * { 4 \choose 2} = 3744 $$

Four of a kind:

$$ {13 \choose 1} * { 12 \choose 1} * { 4 \choose 1} = 624$$

Straight flush (not including royal flush):

Per suit there are 10 choices of straight (A - 5, 2 - 6, 3 - 7, 4 - 8, 5 - 9, 6 - 10, 7 - J, 8 - Q, 9 - K, 10 - A)

$$ {10 \choose 1} * {4 \choose 1} - {4 \choose 1} = 36 $$

Royal flush: 

$$ {4 \choose 1} = 4 $$

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Least Squares Regression

If you have a scatter graph of n points, how can you find a 'line of best fit' for the data?

There exists some line $l_i$ that we need to find:

$$l_i = m (x_i) + c$$

However, the y-intercept of this line (c) is the y-value when x = 0. This may not be the most useful results so one neat adjustment we can make is redefined the line so that it crosses the y axis when $x$ = $\bar{x}$.

$$l_i = m (x_i - \bar{x}) + c $$

For a least squares regression we want to find m and c such that the following sum is minimised:

$$ \sum_{i=1}^{n}(y_i - l_i)^2 = \sum_{i=1}^{n}(y_i - (m(x_i - \bar{x}) + c))^2 \equiv Q $$


Minimising $Q$ involves differentiating Q by $c$ and $m$, setting each result to zero and solving for $c$ and $m$.

Firstly differentiate wrt $c$: 

$$Q = \sum_{i=1}^{n}(y_i - (m(x_i - \bar{x}) + c))^2 $$

$$\frac{dQ}{dc} = 2 \sum_{i=1}^{n}(y_i - (m(x_i - \bar{x}) + c)) * (-1) = 0 $$

$$ =>  - \sum _{i=1}^{n} y_i + m  \sum _{i=1}^{n} (x_i - \bar{x}) + \sum _{i=1}^{n}c = 0 $$

Note that $  \sum _{i=1}^{n} (x_i - \bar{x}) = 0 $


$$  - \sum _{i=1}^{n} y_i  + n c = 0 $$

$$ => c = \frac{\sum _{i=1}^{n} y_i } { n } = \bar{y} $$

Now let's differentiate wrt $m$:

$$Q = \sum_{i=1}^{n}(y_i - (m(x_i - \bar{x}) + \bar{y}))^2 $$

$$ \frac{dQ}{dm} = 2 \sum_{i=1}^{n}(y_i - (m(x_i - \bar{x}) + \bar{y}))(\bar{x}-x_i) = 0 $$

$$ => \sum_{i=1}^{n} (y_i - (m x_i - m \bar{x} + \bar{y}))(\bar{x} - x_1) = 0 $$

$$ => \sum_{i=1}^{n} (y_i - m x_i + m \bar{x} - \bar{y}))(\bar{x} - x_1) = 0 $$

$$ => \sum_{i=1}^{n} [(y_i \bar{x}- m x_i \bar{x} + m \bar{x}^2 - \bar{y}\bar{x}) - (y_i x_i - m x_i^2 + m \bar{x} x_i - \bar{y} x_i)] = 0 $$

$$ => m \sum_{i=1}^{n} ( \bar{x}^2 + x_i^2 - 2 \bar{x} x_i) + \sum_{i=1}^{n} (y_i \bar{x} - \bar{y} \bar{x} - y_i x_i - \bar{y} x_i) = 0 $$ 

$$ => m  \sum_{i=1}^{n} (x_i - \bar{x})^2 -  \sum_{i=1}^{n} (y_i - \bar{y})(x_i - \bar{x}) = 0 $$

$$ => m = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n} (y_i - \bar{y})(x_i - \bar{x})}{\sum_{i=1}^{n} (x_i - \bar{x})^2 }$$

Voila. Now to find the line, we can easily calculate $c$ and $m$. 

Formal definition of a Monad

A monad it a parametric type with two functions defined, $flatMap$ and $unit$.
trait Monad[T] {
  def flatMap[U](f: T => Monad[U]): Monad[U]
def unit[T](t: T): Monad[T]

Monads must satisfy the following three laws:

Associativity law: $$ m.flatMap(f).flatMap(g) = m.flatMap ( x => f(x).flatmap(g)) $$

Left unit law:  $$ unit(x).flatMap(f) = f(x) $$

Right unit law: $$ m.flatMap(unit) = m $$

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Dijkstra in scala

The easiest way to understand dijkstra is by watching a youtube video.

Step 1: Mark all distance to start node as 0 and distance to all other nodes as infinity.
Step 2: Take current node and update distance to all its linked nodes that are unvisited
Step 3: Choose the next node which is the closest unvisited node.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 until target nodes is marked visited.

The following gist shows the code. Full code on github.

How to implement a graph

Let's take the edit distance example graph from an earlier post.

This is our example graph:

An edge exists between two nodes if they differ by only one letter.

There are two main ways of representing graphs in memory:

1. Adjacency Matrix

This is a 2x2 matrix with a bit set if there is an edge between two vertices. Note that because this is a undirected graph this matrix will be symmetrical.

       cat    cab    car    bar    tar    tat
cat             1       1
cab   1                1
car    1       1                1  
bar                      1                1
tar                                1              1
tat                                          1

2. Adjacency List

For each Vertex maintain a list containing all linked vertices.

cat      [cab, car]
cab     [cat, car]
car      [cat, bar, cab]
bar      [car, tar]
tar       [bar, tat]
tat       [tar]

(Note that to solve the problem, it's a simple matter of building a graph and executing dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path between two nodes.)

Computing edit distance between strings in Scala

Question: Assuming you have a set of n letter dictionary words ($S$), a start word ($s_0 \in S$) and a target word ($s_t \in S$) find the shortest chain of words ($C$) where one letter differs between consecutive words in the chain and the first and last words in the chain are $s_0$ and $s_t$ respectively.

Eg $S = [cat, cab, car, tat, tar, bar], s_0 = cat, s_t = tar $
                      $ => C = [cat -> car -> bar -> tar]$

Top level solution

To solve this programatically, we can see that this is a graph programming problem - we can build a graph representing the data then find the shortest path within the graph from $s_0$ to $s_t$.

Scala has no graph implementation in the standard collections, but there is a neat little project called scala-graph which you can use.

def computeEditDistance(start: String, end: String, dictionary: Set[String]): Option[Int] = {
  val graph = Graph.from(dictionary, computeEdges(dictionary))
  val path = graph.get(start).shortestPathTo(graph.get(end))

How to compute the edges

The interesting part is the computeEdges function. Here is a naive implementation:

private def computeEdgesSlowly(dictionary: Set[String]): List[UnDiEdge[String]] = {
  val (_, edges) 
     = dictionary.foldLeft (dictionary.drop(1), List.empty[UnDiEdge[String]]) {
        case (acc, word) =>
          val (unvisitedWords, edgeList) = acc
          val edgesForThisWord = unvisitedWords.collect { 
            case (w) if differsByOneLetter(w, word) 
               => word ~ w 
          (unvisitedWords.drop(1), edgeList ++ edgesForThisWord)

For every word in the list we check it against every other unvisisted word in the list meaning that this algorithm is O(n^2) where n = the number of words in the dictionary.


cat is compared to  [ cab, car, tat, tar, bar ]
cab is compared to [ car, tat, tar, bar ]
car is compared to  [ tat, tar, bar ]
tat is compared to   [ tar, bar ]
tar is compared to   [ bar ]

Cleverer algorithm for computing edges

It is possible to compute the edges in O(n) which is a huge improvement on the implementation above. :D :D

Example:  [ cat, cab, car, tat, tar, bar ]

Step 1: 

Firstly we compute 'subs' for each word in the dictionary

    'cat' ->  [ '?at'  , 'c?t' ,  'ca?' ]
    'cab' -> [ '?ab' , 'c?b' ,  'ca?' ]

val mapOfSubs = { word =>
  val subs = (0 until word.length) map { case i =>
    word.patch(i, Seq('?'), 1)
  word -> subs

Step 2:

We build a hashmap from the subs

    '?at' ->  [ 'cat', 'tat' ]
    'c?t' ->  [ 'cat' ]
    'ca?' -> [ 'cat', 'cab', 'car' ]
    '?ab' -> [ 'cab' ]
    'c?b' -> [ 'cab' ]

val cachedMap = mutable.HashMap.empty[String, Set[String]]
dictionary.foreach { word =>
  val subs = mapOfSubs.get(word)
  subs.foreach(o => o.foreach {
    sub => 
        = Set(word) ++ cachedMap.getOrElse(sub, Set.empty[String])

Step 3:

Now we build up the list of edges. For each word, we get 3 subs for each word. Then we look up each of these 3 subs in the above hashmap to get all the nodes for which the current words has an edge with. We keep a list of nodes we have visited so that we don't add each node twice (the edges are undirected).

val visited = mutable.Seq.empty[String]
dictionary.flatMap { word =>
  word :+ visited
  val subs = mapOfSubs(word)
  subs.flatMap { s =>
    val links = cachedMap(s)
    links.collect { 
      case l if !visited.contains(l) 
        => word ~ l // ~ = undirected edge    }

Full code is here.

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Tree algorithms in Scala: DFS, BFS and Height of binary tree


   5          2
1   4      6

Preorder Traversal

root -> left subtree -> right subtree
3 ->  5 -> 1 -> 4 -> 2 -> 6

def preOrder(node: Node): Unit = {
  if (node != null){
    print(node.value + " ")

def iterativePreOrder(root: Node): Unit = {
  val stack = new mutable.Stack[Node]()
  var node = root
  while (stack.nonEmpty || node != null) {
    if (node != null) {
      print(node.value + " ")
      if (node.right != null) stack.push(node.right)
      node = node.left
    else {
      node = stack.pop()

InOrder Traversal

left subtree -> root -> right subtree
1 -> 5 -> 4 -> 3 -> 6 -> 2

def inOrder(node: Node): Unit = {
  if (node != null){
    print(node.value + " ")

def iterativeInOrder(root: Node): Unit = {
  val stack = new mutable.Stack[Node]()
  var node = root
  while (stack.nonEmpty || node != null) {    if (node != null) {      stack.push(node)      node = node.left    }    else {      node = stack.pop()      print(node.value + " ")      node = node.right    }  }

PostOrder Traversal

left subtree -> right subtree -> root
1 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 2 -> 3

def postOrder(node: Node): Unit = {
  if (node != null) {
    print(node.value + " ")

def iterativePostOrder(root: Node): Unit = {
  val stack = new mutable.Stack[Node]()
  var node = root
  var prev: Node = null  while (stack.nonEmpty || node != null) {
    if (node != null) {
      node = node.left
    else {
      node = stack.pop()
      if (node.right != null && prev != node.right) {
        node = node.right
      else {
        print(node.value + " ")
        prev = node
        node = null      }

Breadth first search

3 -> 5 -> 2 -> 1 -> 4 -> 6 

def bfs(root: Node): Unit = {
  val q = new mutable.Queue[Node]()
  var node = root

  while (q.nonEmpty) {
    node = q.dequeue()
    print(node.value + " ")
    if (node.left != null) q.enqueue(node.left)
    if (node.right != null) q.enqueue(node.right)

Height of a binary tree

def height(root: Node): Int = {
  val q = new mutable.Queue[(Node, Int)]()
  var node = root

  q.enqueue((node, 1))
  var max = 1  while (q.nonEmpty) {
    val d = q.dequeue()
    node = d._1

    if (node.left != null) {
      max = d._2 +1      q.enqueue((node.left, max))
    if (node.right != null) {
      max = d._2 +1      q.enqueue((node.right, max))

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Scala: Pass by name vs pass by value

Scala call by value vs call by name

In scala when you pass by name (using =>) the expression gets evaluated every time it is used.

Passing by name and passing by value will result in the same output if pure functions are used and both evaluations terminate.

Note that in scala the default is passing by value which is more performant. 

Scala with Cats: Answers to revision questions

I'm studying the 'Scala with Cats' book. I want the information to stick so I am applying a technique from 'Ultralearning...