Thursday 14 April 2016

vcsh with myrepos (mr)


Vcsh allows you to maintain multiple git repos in one directory. I use this for having separate git repos for dot config files that live in my home directory.

Setting up a new vcsh git repo for a a dot config file (eg .vimrc)

vcsh init vim
vcsh vim add ~/.vimrc
vcsh vim commit -m "first commit"
vcsh vim remote add origin git@github-personal:polyglotpiglet/vim.git

On github created a new repo called 'vim'

vcsh vim push -u origin master
vcsh vim push

MyRepos (MR)

I have several such vcsh repos. Wouldn't it be nice to bulk pull updates for all these repos? Or bulk check them out? 

With mr you define a ~/.mrconfig file which lists all the repos to manage.

I added the following configuration parameter to my git config:

git config --global push.default matching

This means that 'mr push' works. Mr push does 'git push' on each of the repos and by setting this config param it means that you push to the remote branch with the same name as the local branch by default. 

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